Getting correct values out of string

If you think about chats in online games or in general I think there is not many if any that allow spaces in usernames. If you wouldn’t allow spaces in the username it would make things a lot easier.


Then its extra work and is not one line anymore! But maybe pop-op form also be a good soluttion!

But i would really like it in form as i have right now if its possible. If not i will work other way

Assuming there wouldn’t be spaces in the username you could just do

$str = "/ban username 1 You didn't follow the rules.";
$parts      = explode(' ', $str);
$command    = $parts[0];
$username   = $parts[1];
$hours      = $parts[2];
$reason     = implode(array_slice($parts, 3, count($parts)), ' ');
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This is almost how i had it till now! Only i never had username with space till now and $reason seems to be better in your example as till now we used just one word to describe bad reason :smiley:

For better readability: explode() has a third parameter where you just can get the rest after a certain amount of splits. Also you can use the list() struct to directly transfer the information into the named variables.


Or, if it’s OK to require the mods to start the command with a leading delimiter, in this case /, why can’t you make them start other key words with a leading delimiter?

/ban user name here $5 reason

Easy (or easier) then to split out the command, the length of ban, anything between those two is the user name, anything after the length is the reason.


This is also not that bad idea! Thanks :slight_smile:

True… heres even shorter version based on @chorn’s comments.

$str = "/ban username 1 You didn't follow the rules.";
list($command, $username, $hours, $reason) = explode(' ', $str, 4);

Assuming a username can not contain a number on its own (e.g, “ScallioXTX 2”) you can also use

preg_match('~/ban (.+?) (\d+) (.+)~', $line);

See for a live example

This works because the first part (.+?) is lazy and will stop matching as it finds a number on it’s own.

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In this case i will allow numbers! But thanks :slight_smile:

You miss the point here. @rpkamp said

The key is on its own i.e. without a space.

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Oh i now got it thanks to @Gandalf but there is 2 things wrong

  1. i also need full command in list like $action = $results[0]; // is: /ban or any other command
  2. as you said: ScallioXTX 2 will not work


But if i block spaces in username it works!

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