Generate ref number

Is it okay to generate the reference number,using the unixtimestamp + auto_incremented_id and stored it to datatype bigint ?

databases are capable of creating their own reference numbers and some even support UUIDs. unless the number needs to be used outside the DB scope, itā€™s best to leave the generation to the DB.

Are you already storing these two values on your database? If so, then just combine them in your query rather than creating a new, faux key.

@Dormilich, @DaveMaxwell,

Actually this is the flow of my form, when the customers pay then submitting the form to stored the data, I generate reference number for this by using the timestamp and lastinserted idā€¦then update the row to insert the generated reference number. I donā€™t know if this is correct way. :confused:

does the reference number serve any purpose?

I think just only for searching the payment record ? :confused:

Itā€™s still overkill. If you can derive the value from pre-existing values on the database, thereā€™s no reason to create a whole new field.

So search for it using the pre-existing records

SELECT field1, field2, ...fieldN
  FROM orderTable
 WHERE orderNo + orderDate = $generatedKey

You might have to convert the two fields to character before you query, but thatā€™s the general gist of it.

What is the reasoning for this? With something like orders the customer may need to quote the number over the phone or use it somewhere. With a number thatā€™s derived from a timestamp and other fields it might get quite long and unwieldy. What is wrong with just using the insert id as the order number?

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Only issue might be privacy/security if the order number is an autoincrement field. You wouldnā€™t want someone to be able to change the order number by one or so and be able to see someone elseā€™s order.

then youā€˜re missing order access verification. certainly there is somewhere a relation between customers and their orders. then itā€™s just a matter of joining them to get only the orders for this customer. any order that is outside this set should automatically be rejected.

Youā€™re assuming the person is logged in. There are anonymous checkouts (which I use more often than I create accounts) which may not have a profile to tie intoā€¦

This may indeed be a good reason for reference numbers if their purpose is to make it difficult to guess other reference numbers - I suppose this is the case here since the OP wants to use them for identifying payments. If that is the case then a timestamp is a poor choice, anyway. I would combine the auto-increment order ID with a short random number. The reference number need not be even stored in the database as it can be calculated on the fly if the ā€œrandomā€ number is a checksum or a hash of existing data that wonā€™t change (like the order ID, order datetime, etc.). But for simplicity of usage if I were to generate payment (pseudo-)random reference numbers Iā€™d store them in the db anyway, just for the ease of searching and a better guarantee they wonā€™t change in some unexpected cases.

This is something I ran into, looking for a way to basically ā€œhideā€ the actual ID of a record.

Playing with the demo shows the capabilities.


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