Generate icon

Hello everyone
In fact, I am a beginner in programming, and I want a small script in PHP or JavaScript.
The purpose of the script is to generate an icon from an image.
The icon can learn from any part of the image.
Thank you for your advice

Here attached a source code that works well for resizing an image proportionnellement.J hope to make changes to just take any piece of an image into 95 * 95. Thank you

Shayda thank you, but I am trying to do that in programming like PHP or JavaScript

lol yeah next time i’ll post a link :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello everyone,
I have a script to resize the image proportionately, it takes the largest value (height or width), and the other value scales proportionally.
The only problem with this script is that it does not set max height and max.

For example, I wanted to generate an image with: max width: 171 and max height: 107
If I take a picture with the denials width: 420, height 298, the proportional resizing cava give:
420>> 298
171>> x
x = (298 * 171) / 420 = 121 (larger than I wanted for a max height 107).
J’image what to do, but I do not know how to run it for a loop:
H>> W
171>> 121 (top of my max, I do not), I H - 1
170>> 120 (top of my max, I do not) I’m making a H-1

150>> 107 (<= 107, I take it)
What is important for me is to respect the power proportional resizing does not distort the image, and at the same time does not exceed the max denied.
I’m listening to your comments.
Thank you in advance

you can use image magick

Take a look at the GD or [URL=“”]ImageMagick PHP extensions. :wink:

Here’s a link to a post in the form I made containing a class that does basic image resizing. It’s about 3 years old now, but a useful starting point all the same.

I made a calculation of the proportion between width and height from the maximum dimensions and the same thing from
actual dimensions of the picture: I then compared the two resizing in the appropriate direction depending on whether the result is
positive or negative.
Finally, my code works:)
For cons, I still have that to make a thumbnail of my image, the principle and calculated the center of the image height and width

and make a thumbnail from the center as shown in the image

Here is my code that works well

	<!--On affiche le formulaire d'envoi d'une image-->
	<br /><hr />

	<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upload.php">
	   Le nom de l'image redimensionner avec 95 ,95
	   <input type="text" name="video"><br><br>
	<input type="file" name="fichier" size="30">
	<input type="submit" name="upload" value="Uploader">



if( isset($_POST['upload']) ) // si formulaire soumis
    $content_dir = 'upload/'; // dossier où 

sera déplacé le fichier

    $tmp_file = $_FILES['fichier']['tmp_name'];

    if( !is_uploaded_file($tmp_file) )

fichier est introuvable");

    // on vérifie maintenant l'extension
    $type_file = $_FILES['fichier']['type'];

    if( !

strstr($type_file, 'jpg') && !strstr($type_file, 'jpeg') && !strstr($type_file, 'png') && !strstr($type_file, 'bmp') && !strstr

($type_file, 'gif') )
        exit("Le fichier n'est pas une image");

    // on copie le fichier dans le dossier de 

	$ext = substr($_FILES['fichier']['name'], strrpos($_FILES['fichier']['name'], '.'));

	$name_file = 

	echo $name_file;

	//fonction pour changer les dimentions des fichiers
  function redimensionner

($file, $maxwidth, $maxheight) {

list($rawwidth, $rawheight, $type) = @getimagesize($file);


($maxwidth < $rawwidth && $rawwidth >= $rawheight) {   
				$width =  $maxwidth;   

$height = ($width / $rawwidth) * $rawheight;  }   
				if ($maxheight < 

$rawheight && $rawheight >= $rawwidth) {   
				$height = $maxheight;   

$width = ($height /  $rawheight) * $rawwidth;  }  
				if($height > $maxheight) {  

	$width = ($maxheight / $height) * $width;  
				$height = $maxheight; } 
  $imgbuffer = 

imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);

  switch($type) {

    case 1: $image = imagecreatefromgif($file); break;

    case 2: $image = 

imagecreatefromjpeg($file); break;

    case 3: $image = imagecreatefrompng($file); break;

    case 4: $image = imagecreatefrombmp

($file); break;

    default: exit("Tried to create thumbnail from $file: not a valid image");


  if (!$image) exit("Image creation 

from $file failed for an unknown reason. Probably not a valid image.");

  else {

    imagecopyresampled($imgbuffer, $image, 0, 0, 0, 

0, $width, $height, $rawwidth, $rawheight);


    switch($type) {

      case 1: 

$image = imagegif($imgbuffer, $file, 80); break;

      case 2: $image = imagejpeg($imgbuffer, $file, 80); break;

      case 3: 

$image = imagepng($imgbuffer, $file, 7); break;





if( preg_match('#[\\x00-\\x1F\\x7F-\\x9F/\\\\\\\\]#', $name_file) )



de fichier non valide");


  else if( !move_uploaded_file($tmp_file, $content_dir . $name_file) )


  exit("Impossible de copier le 

fichier dans $content_dir");


redimensionner($content_dir.$name_file,171, 107);
