function 'boj_menuexample_settings_page' not found


Plugin Name: Menu Test
Plugin URI:
Description: Menu Test
Author: Codex authors
Author URI:

warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function 'boj_menuexample_settings_page' not found or invalid function name in C:\\wamp\\www\\WPDev\\wp-includes\\plugin.php on line 470

add_action( 'admin_menu', 'boj_menuexample_create_menu' );

function boj_menuexample_create_menu() {

add_menu_page( 'My Plugin Settings Page', 'Menu Example Settings','manage_options', _FILE_, 'boj_menuexample_settings_page', plugins_url( '/images/wp-icon.png', _FILE__));


add_action( 'about_menu', 'boj_menuexample_about_page');
function boj_menuexample_about_page() {
add_submenu_page( _FILE_, 'About My Plugin', 'About', 'manage_options',_FILE_.'_about', boj_menuexample_about_page);


add_action( 'uninstall_menu', 'boj_menuexample_uninstall_page');
function boj_menuexample_uninstall_page() {

add_submenu_page( _FILE_,'Uninstall My Plugin', 'uninstall', 'manage_options',
_FILE_.'_uninstall', boj_menuexample_uninstall_page);



Where am I going wrong? When I click on the menu tag in the menu I expected an options page called boj_about to open but WAMP is saying the settings page not found even though the file is in the directory. I know this is something to do with functions but not sure how to ADD the correct function for page I want.

All I am trying to do is develop a skeleton framework that will load up an options page when I click on the menu tag.

Any help would be greatly appreciated being scratching my old head on this for a week now.