So, I was reading the article on Design Festival about Foundation, a responsive web design framework for making mobile friendly sites. Here is the article:
Reading through the feature list, I wasn’t exactly impressed.
It seemed to just have a grid-based layout, a selection of pre-built buttons, a slider, and visibility options.
A grid-based layout is quite simple if you know what you are doing. You create several classes with different percentages and then pick things until you have 100%. Using the box-sizing: border-box trick, this is excruciatingly simple.
Buttons are buttons. If you know what you are doing, they are all easy to build.
A cross-device slider can be a bit tricky, but I actually built one last week in about two hours of playing around.
And the visibility options are just creating classes with different sets of display: none for various devices, likely based on a class assigned to the body element.
This thread isn’t to bash Foundation though. I’m sure for many less experienced developers, these are all great things.
This thread is to ask: am I missing something? Is there a reason that I, a reasonably experienced web developer, should use Foundation?