Form Wrapped Websites

I have recently stumbled on numerous websites that are completely wrapped in a form… have I missed some really important development in coding sites?

Has anyone encountered this / coded like this before?

Whats the deal with it?

Here is a sample:

<form id=“form1” action=“/home” method=“post” name=“form1”>
<input id=“__EVENTTARGET” type=“hidden” value=“” name=“__EVENTTARGET”/>
<input id=“__EVENTARGUMENT” type=“hidden” value=“” name=“__EVENTARGUMENT”/>


I’m not super hot on coding, although I write fairly decent css, htm, xml etc. when it comes to advanced things like jscript, php, asp etc. I have a developer I work with… however this has me stumped.

Welcome to Sitepoint :smiley:

Are there more than form elements included within the <form> tags? As the code you posted above is all form elements (and a <div>). Do you have a link to such a site?(paste it without the http://www. if you cannot post links yet) :slight_smile:

there are a number…

australia . com
iloveny . com
tourisme-montreal . org

are the most recent ones I have visited that employ form wrapping

incidentally there doesn’t seem to be any further form elements (a search function possibly)

What I have noticed however is that these all seem to be asp pages - the answer may lie therein.