Form not submitting its post parameters

Hello David,

I’ll try to answer in your points…

“1. Do NOT redirect the form’s action, i.e. send it to the correct file. For you, that’s a problem as you don’t want the real address to be viewed.”
I think I must leave the url in the form action attribute as a real url to the actual php script, otherwise my application becomes dependant on the url rewritting.

“2. Use a mod_proxy directive in your mod_rewrite ( To me, that’s possibly introducing new problems (installing and configuring mod_proxy) to resolve something which shouldn’t be a problem in the first place.”
I would prefer not to introduce new problems, so I guess I’ll avoid the use of the mod_proxy directive.

“3. Do NOT use an absolute (external) redirection in your RewriteRule (you’re not).”

“4. At, one person recommended “access[ing] $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] to see the original request.” I can’t see how this would work IF the POST array had been deleted by the redirection.”

Kind Regards,


  1. Yes, but that will leave the real URI visible which you have said that you don’t want. In fact, your intent is to hide the real URI by redirecting to the bogus URI, user/login, and then back to the real login URI. I’m confused about what you REALLY want.

  2. mod_proxy may be a reasonable solution albeit extra work with installing and configuring mod_proxy.

  3. Well, that’s not working so …?

  4. It may be worth trying.

Left unanswered was how/where you’re using the mod_rewrite code if you don’t have a server configuration file and aren’t using an .htaccess file?



Hello David,

Just a quick note here… I do have a server configuration file, a httpd.conf file. I’m not so proficient in Apache configuration, I just know the basics and how to add a virtual host… But my httpd.conf file does not contain any mod_rewrite string nor any mod_alias one.

Kind Regards,


Thank you.

Tip: It’s easiest to test mew code using an .htaccess file as it’s easily modified and does not require the server to be restarted.

The more I think about it, the more that the mod_proxy appears to be the only possible solution. Use the link above as guidance as I’ve not installed it myself (although it should be just deleting the # at the start of the mod_proxy line, you should search at for mod_proxy for the definitive information on any configuration which might be required).



Hello David,

Okay, I will look into this mod_proxy module and see if I can get something out of it. Will let you informed of my success or not.

Kind Regards,


Thanks! I’d love to know whether it works or not.
