Form feilds array

Hi Chaps, i don’t understand what ive done wrong, however when i try to echo form fields, theres alway noe missing :frowning:


 $dim = @mysql_query('SELECT dims.dimid, dims.dimdesc, dimlinks.prodid, dimlinks.dimlink FROM dimlinks LEFT JOIN dims ON dimlinks.dimlink = dims.dimid WHERE dimlinks.prodid = "20"');
  $row_dim = mysql_fetch_assoc($dim);
  if (!$dim) {
    exit('<p>Unable to obtain links from the database.</p>');

and then the loop:

 while ($links = mysql_fetch_array($dim)) {
 $linkname3 = htmlspecialchars($links['dimdesc']);
"<label><input name='option[]' type='text' value='' />$linkname3</label>";

Ive tried just a simple echo of results and theyre fine…any ideas?..thanks in advance

Yep. You are reading the first result above your if statement, discarding it, and then looping over the remaining results. Remove the $row_dim = mysql_fetch_assoc($dim); above your if statement and you’ll see all the results you were expecting.

As an aside: mysql is being deprecated and it is preferred to use mysqli or PDO.

Thanks…i was rushing :slight_smile:

Now, i have another problem (title is still relevant so wont bother adding a new post)

Ive never done dynamic field forms from a db before, so im in a bit of a mess…how to a take the field values and insert into a db. Below is where i am at the mo…itll update the values already in the form (hidden field/$utid), however the field where i add data isnt being inserted (“val3”)

$ndim= $_POST["val3"];

foreach($_POST['id'] as $id)

          $add =
		  "INSERT INTO testdims (proid,  dimid, dimvalue) 
VALUES ('$utid', '$id', '$ndim')";

 $result_update = mysql_query($add);


$result = mysql_query("SELECT dims.dimid, dims.dimdesc, dimlinks.prodid, dimlinks.dimlink FROM dimlinks LEFT JOIN dims ON dimlinks.dimlink = dims.dimid WHERE dimlinks.prodid = '$utid'");
<div class="field">
  <label><?php echo $row['dimdesc']; ?></label>
    <input name="val3[]" value="" />
<input name="id[]" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $row['dimid']; ?>" />


<?php } ?> 

Do you get any errors, or it just doesn’t insert?

Try the following two things.

  1. Echo the value of $add before you can mysql_query, so you can see what query is being executed (might be a syntax issue or an unescaped value).
  2. add “or die(mysql_error())” after mysql_query($add)

Got it sorted …good idea to echo $add, as it showed that the data actually exists…there was a problem with the database structure :frowning: so i was just entering ‘0’…
thanks anyways B