I want to display the number of like and unlike a post has in a forum app. And this is how I create it.
<?php foreach ($votespost as $vp):?>
<?php if($post->id == $vp->postId):?>
<li><?=$vp->voteUp . ' Thumb up'?></li>
<li><?=$vp->voteDown . ' Thumb down'?></li>
<?php endif;?>
<?php endforeach;?>
But to my surprise, it only displays the result of the last post likes and unlikes(meaning the rest are not shown) and I tried to put this inside a while loop and for loop but dont work as they hang the laptop.
The problem is in the template and not in the controller(so that is why am not showing the controller code)
The $votespost and $post(this is the post of each thread and that display fine) are from the controller class and I think they are working fine
public function viewThread(){
if (isset($_GET['threadid'])){
//$thread = $this->threadsTable->findById($_GET['threadid']);
//$posts = $this->postsTable->find('threadId', $_GET['threadid']);
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$votesPost = $this->votesTable->find('postId', $post->id);
$user = $this->authentication->getUser();
$title = 'View Topic';
return [
'template' => 'viewforum.html.php',
'title' => $title,
'variables' => [
//'thread' => $thread ?? null,
//'posts' => $posts ?? null,
'votespost' => $votesPost ?? null,
//'user' => $user ?? null
I have commented out those not useful