Footer Text Not Behaving Properly

Buongiorno from 8 degrees C wetherby UK :slight_smile:

On this page & illustrated here: some of the text highlighted displaced and filled some of the space next to the image thumbnails.

Now it was on a version of IE in my local gym club but i was unable to see what version, I suspect the problem was caused by not containing elements in divs and giving widths to floated elements. Thinking this as an experiment I tweaked this page:

So my question(s) is please:

  1. “What version of IE is causing the text to misplace”?
  2. “Will the fix I applied on page stop the problem appearing again on the unknown version of IE.”

Grazie Tanto,

I would say your best option is to remove the float: left on the <ul> and use overflow: hidden instead:

p.thumb, ul.thumbnails {
margin: 0 0 10px 0;
padding: 0;
[COLOR="#FF0000"][s]float: left;[/s][/COLOR]
text-align: center;
background-color: white;
line-height: 1em;
list-style: none;
width: 560px;
[COLOR="#0000CD"]overflow: hidden;[/COLOR]