First function is overriding all instances in Mustache template [Solved]

Thanks @m3g4p0p

I’m sure I did try this :upside_down:

Initially, what you suggest is what I was using some time back. On an older thread I was trying to format a date object which would only work by adding, what we have just removed (below snippet), this fixed the issue after much trail and error. I carried on using this technique ever since.

Maybe this was just need to format the date.

   formatDate: function () {
	  var format = "DD-MM-YYYY";
	  return function (text, render) {
      this.submitted = dateConvert(new Date(this.submitted), format);
      return '<b>' + render(text) + '</b>';

That’s the history behind me using this anyhow :nerd:

What you suggest is working perfect now :grinning:
I’ll have to run a few more tests and add the date into the mix and see what happens.

Updated Codepen

Cool, thanks for helping and detailed explanation.