FB & Twitter - Determining local business suitability

This applies to a smaller town localed between two mid sized cities. With prospects here locally, to help with estalishing FB & Twitter, the question is being asking about how much the effort might improve businesses, the bottom line. Obviously this has to do with the type of business but…

I’ve noticed many businesses clearly opt for FB first.

Isn’t the real advantage of Twitter being able to actively reach out to the local community & other businesses. Only occasionally sending soft special promotions while using caution not to overdo it. Some of the types of businesses who are considering T are landscapers, printers, hair salons, confectioners, etc. Even more commercial users like gasket makers, plastic mold injectors, etc. - Both consumer oriented & B2B.

Ideally, shouldn’t the business either serve regionally or ship out nationally given the community of tweeters?

  • Please reply specifically with honing in on who is best suited for each. Who are the best types of candidates?

i think FB is more suitable why :

  • You can create a Sepecific Page where all businesses can participate.

  • Create a Groups for specific business field where you will share everything you want…

That more interesting than twitter which is based on activity share and don’t give you such features…


First step: create a FB page (not FB profile) then put your business link into it.

Next step: create ads on FB. You can customize detailed profiles that you want from FB users, such as gender, city, language, relationship status, age and more. Directing an ad toward the FB page.

You can select your town through the ad on FB. So you can attract people who live at your town toward your FB page.

At the ad page, you can input “interest” into the field and you can get more targeted people from the FB.

Twitter - you can insert your Twitter url into the FB page. This can directing people who from FB toward Twitter then you get new followers at your Twitter. If you make a tweet on your Twitter then you post your tweet link into the FB page.

Thus you can use both FB and Twitter for your local business by targeting local community of your city/ town.