ESLint keeps returning Definition for rule 'eslint linebreak-style' was not found in vueJS

No matter how much I tried, vueJS keeps returning  Definition for rule 'eslint linebreak-style' was not found

This are the steps have taken so far. in


I included this /* eslint-disable */ at the top of the script, but that still dosent stop it from failing. Also in VS Code, I changed it from CRLF to LF , then run npm run lint -- --fix but still dosen’t fix the problem. I also edited


by adding all of these at different stage "linebreak-style": 0, and this too //["error", (process.platform === "win32" ? "windows" : "unix")], // and this also "eslint linebreak-style": ["error", "windows"], but all to know avail.

I also added the above codes to


and still, ESLint refuses to go away.

NB: Am using Windows 8.1

What else can I do to solve the problem.

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