encrypt/decrypt JS Affine cipher - can you tell what such code does: // below???
addkey = addkey + (f.add.options[i].text)(f.add.options[i].selected)
multkey = multkey + (f.mult.options[i].text)(f.mult.options[i].selected)
// code works … this is Not my code but from:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function Encrypt(f) {
var word, newword, code, newcode, newletter
var addkey, multkey
word = f.p.value
word = word.toLowerCase()
word = word.replace(/\W/g, "")
addkey = 0
for (i=0; i < f.add.options.length; i++) {
addkey = addkey + (f.add.options[i].text)*(f.add.options[i].selected)
multkey = 0
for (i=0; i < f.mult.options.length; i++) {
multkey = multkey + (f.mult.options[i].text)*(f.mult.options[i].selected)
newword = ""
for (i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
code = word.charCodeAt(i) - 97
newcode = ( (multkey*code + addkey) % 26 ) + 97
newletter = String.fromCharCode(newcode)
newword = newword + newletter
f.c.value = newword + " "
function Decrypt(f) {
var word, newword, code, newcode, newletter
var addkey, multkey, multinverse
word = f.c.value
word = word.toLowerCase()
word = word.replace(/\W/g, "")
addkey = 0
for (i=0; i < f.add.options.length; i++) {
addkey = addkey + (f.add.options[i].text)*(f.add.options[i].selected)
multkey = 0
for (i=0; i < f.mult.options.length; i++) {
multkey = multkey + (f.mult.options[i].text)*(f.mult.options[i].selected)
//if (i==3) alert(multkey +" + "+f.mult.options[i].text + " * " + f.mult.options[i].selected+" = "+(f.mult.options[i].text) * ( f.mult.options[i].selected));
multinverse = 1
for (i=1; i <= 25; i = i + 2) {
if ( (multkey*i) % 26 == 1 ) { multinverse = i }
newword = ""
for (i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
code = word.charCodeAt(i) - 97
newcode = ( (multinverse*(code + 26 - addkey)) % 26 ) + 97
newletter = String.fromCharCode(newcode)
newword = newword + newletter
f.p.value = newword.toLowerCase()
<textarea name="p" rows="4" cols="50" wrap="soft">Defend the east wall of the castle</textarea>
<p>a =
<select name="mult" size="1">
b =
<select name="add" size="1">
<p><input name="btnEn" value="v Encrypt v" onclick="Encrypt(this.form)" type="button">
<input name="btnDe" value="^ Decrypt ^" onclick="Decrypt(this.form)" type="button"></p>
<textarea name="c" rows="4" cols="50" wrap="soft">wbgbuwyqbbhtynhkkzgyqbrhtykb</textarea> </p>