Emulating in HTML5 using Chrome DevTool

Hi! I was reading up on different pages including sitepoint to find out if the Chrome Emulator:

  1. factors in the OS version for Android and iOS?
  2. and more importantly, emulates in html5?

Been looking for a good html5 emulator and found that Chrome had one built in. Considering the cost of services like Browser Stack, I think that it must do something the Chrome emulator cannot.


It would appear not.

Presumably it emulates what’s on the page. Not really clear what you mean by that.

Emulators are sort of handy, but they are generally not much use. The only reliable test is on the real thing. Just try emulating this page with Chrome’s iPhone5 setting, for example. What’s offered up looks nothing like the layout of this page on an iPhone. It’s effectively useless.

I was asking if the emulator could also mimic the functions of HTML5 but you already answered the question. Thanks!