
is this not a cool little tool?
embedresponsively.com helps build responsive embed codes for embedding rich third-party media into responsive web pages.

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Certainly a nice little timesaver. :slight_smile: I tend to have my own local copy of this sort of code, but I don’t have samples for each of those services.

I guess it’s useful - I thought most people had local sample copies to go off of.

The fact the embed code is single quotted instead of double leads me to never want to use this service :stuck_out_tongue: .

Ryan, could you explain the pros/cons?

Pros of single quotes: they work
Cons of single quotes: they are ugly and the rest of the HTML code is generally double quotes (most people code in double quotes it seems.)

Mainly OCD-ish.

Best honest response ever :smiley:

FWIW I use doubles pretty much exclusively until I start dealing in PHP and stuff. But in HTML… /shrug it’s a habit.

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div class=‘embed-container’
as opposed to
div class=“embed-container”

oh yes, always wondered about that…

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