Email for own site?

Hi, all.

I’m a consultant and just started my site, with my firstname+lastname as the domain.

Question is, what should be my primary email at the site?
Domain is, and my first name is pretty long, so is horrible.

Some people put:

What do you think?

Thanks, any help appreciated. :blush:

Well, since you’ve got your own domain, you can use lots of different addresses – like for your consulting business, and for your self, etc. These can all go to the same mailbox if need be . . .

Yep, thought about ‘me’, but if I gave it to somebody wouldn’t ‘me’ mean ‘him’? :confused:

I’d use contact@firstnamelastname - seems pretty sensible and straightforward.

Also ‘email’? Those are not that creative but definitely could work…

Sure, though I’d limit it to as few different inboxes or aliases as necessary. “Contact” and “email” sound a bit redundant as they stand for more or less the same thing - general contact. I’d consider more diverse names, like “help”, “quote”, “billing”, for different purposes, as long as they make sense. Though you originally asked what you should use as the primary, which I’d guess would be most general.

One thing about “email” I don’t like is that it’s redundant by itself, i.e. it points out the obvious - we already know it’s an email.

Overall it’s really a matter of personal preference.

Yep, I’m actually thinking about keeping a single inbox.
I don’t really need more than one.

I suppose if you are talking about main email of the web site it could be like