Elance Client

As a new Elance client, I was wondering whether I can hire several contractors who will start working together on a specific week rather than on the same week I hired them. This is because every time I have an overflow of work, I find myself having about two reliable freelancers that can work everyday. This lowers the chances of the work being completed in the required time. What I want to know is, can I use for example this week just to hire the number of contractors that I will speed up completion of work, then on the next week, I officially hand each of them individual jobs. Can you please help me decide. Thanks.

Sure, why not. The way you work and the way you subcontract is up to you.

Do be aware though than managing a team is not as easy as it looks, and you need to be clear about the specifications and, communication is essential .So make sure that you are an excellent manager.

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