Dynamic multiple CSS backgrounds via JS

Hello there,

I have a twig file that generates on a page basis this kind of html:

<div class="slide">
  <img class="lazy-slide" data-original="my-image.jpg" src="placeholder.gif" alt="copyright & blabla">

I have a javascript file that checks any .slide img, gets the data-original from the img, hides the img then applies the data-original image to .slide as an inline background-image css property:

// this = the image element
var background = $(this).attr("data-original");

$(this).parent().css({'background-image':'url('+ background +')'});

or in plain JS (preferred):

// this = the image element
var background = this.getAttribute('data-original');

this.style.display = 'none';
this.parentElement.style.backgroundImage = 'url("' + background + '")';

which gives:

<div class="slide" style="background-image: url('my-image.jpg')">
  <img style="display:none" class="lazy-slide" data-original="my-image.jpg" src="placeholder.gif" alt="copyright & blabla">

Now, some of these images are in low resolution and show up as pixelated. Fiddling with the DevTools, I find that combining multiple backgrounds is what I need, in case of having such images (I can check via Twig the image’s sizes):

    url("my-image") no-repeat 50% 50% / contain, 
    linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0.5), rgba(0,0,0,0.5)),
    url("my-image") no-repeat 50% 50% / cover;


  • Those images are dynamic, I can’t create default CSS styles with hardcoded backgrounds, so it needs to be inline
  • Setting this background the CSS way in Javascript outputs this:
<div class="slide" style="background: url('img.jpg') 50% 50% / contain no-repeat, 50% 50% / cover no-repeat">
	<img src="img.jpg" class="" data-original="img.jpg" alt=" " title=" " style="display: none;">

And the JS code (original code is one-lined in case those \ might annoy the whole thing:

this.parentElement.style.background = url("' + background + '") no-repeat 50% 50% / contain, \ 
linear-gradient(...), \
url("' + background + '") no-repeat 50% 50% / cover';

I don’t know why the second URL doesn’t show up,

I tried setting things up like this:

this....backgroundImage = 'url(' + background + '), url(' + background + ')';
this....backgroundPosition = '50% 50%';
this....backgroundSize = 'contain, cover';
this....backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat';

But to no avail :frowning:

The result:

<div class="slide" style="background-image: url('img.jpg'); background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: contain, cover; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
	<img src="img.jpg" class="" data-original="img.jpg" alt=" " title=" " style="display: none;">

What am I missing here? I tried with just setting up a linear-gradient with another background, but that didn’t work neither…

Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

I’m not sure, it works for me…

I know it should too, I’ve tested it out directly in the Devtools’ console. Unexplainable thing is why it removes the second url… :frowning:

Here’s the function body as I found it in the theme’s files, in case it may help:

$('.slide img').each({
  if (!$(this).hasClass('lazy') || !$(this).hasClass('lazy') {
    background = $(this).attr("src"); 
    $(this).parent().css({'background-image':'url('+ background +')'});

This function is strange too… will have to investigate further

Cheers :slight_smile:

Well, I checked the whole code, and found the culprit function.

It all works by using normal CSS backgrounds declaration

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