Duplicate one or some rows in PDO


I want to use url attachments for other post instead upload files again.
Duplicate row(s) of attachments table with “attid field” posted from form and change a “postid field” in same table.

I have a form with some input checkbox.
The values of input are numbers which point to values of the field in database
(attachments table > attid field ).

<input type="checkbox" name="attid[]" value="10" />
<input type="checkbox" name="attid[]" value="250" />

This “attid” field is a Primary Key and AUTO_INCREMENT.
I want when form submit, duplicate a row(s) with “attid” posted.
Used this > INSERT INRO - SELECT query with loop by for each
but not succesful

$sql = ('INSERT INTO attachments (field1, field2)  (SELECT * FROM attachments WHERE attid= :attid)');


Beaware that when a checkbox is not selected, nothing will be sent via post for that field

Thanks, yes, checked it with javascript and finally php.
But my problem is not solved yet, nothing add to DB.

Is MySQL returning any errors?

Can you show us the full code please, not just the query?

$Post_attid = $_POST[attid]; 

try {
$sql = ('INSERT INTO attachments (attstatus, postsID, atturl, atttype, attcaption, attordering, attwidth_incontents, itsfirst, itssecond) (SELECT * FROM attachments WHERE attid = ?)');
$stmt = $kanzconn->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindValue(1, $Post_attid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$results = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
foreach($results as $row) {
catch(PDOException $e)
echo $e->getMessage();

I haven’t used this method but are you not missing VALUES before the query?
Or without parenthesis around query.

$sql = ('INSERT INTO attachments (field1, field2)  SELECT field1, field2 FROM attachments WHERE attid= :attid)';   

When use VALUES get syntax error

Yes, Values wasn’t right. Did you try specific fields as I suggested?

[quote=“Drummin, post:7, topic:113944”]
$sql = (‘INSERT INTO attachments (field1, field2) SELECT field1, field2 FROM attachments WHERE attid= :attid)’;
[/quote]I just tried this and it worked.

Thanks, Are you sure?

in this page:

If you need to duplicate a row in same table with unique keys you can do that

  1. Obtain the last unique key
  2. Sum 1 to last key


  1. $lastids=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query(“SELECT Id_Inmueble FROM inmueble WHERE 1 ORDER BY Id_Inmueble DESC”));
  2. $lastid=$lastids[“Id_Inmueble”]+1;
  3. mysql_query(“INSERT INTO inmueble SELECT * FROM inmueble WHERE Id_Inmueble=”.$Id." ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Id_Inmueble=".$ultimoid) or die(mysql_error());

But I did not receive the result
My query is probably wrong

                , postsID
                , atturl
                , atttype
                , attcaption
                , attordering
                , attwidth_incontents
                , itsfirst
                , itssecond
                attid = ?

Does the number of fields returned by the select match the number of fields that you’re trying to insert into?

Yes, but this field is primary key (unique) need to get max value+1
see comment posted by Borja Irizar on:

I don’t know why you would want to make an extra query just to get the last attid, then increment it, then force an auto-increment field a value with ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE.

Simply specify the same fields on the value query as the insert.

try {
    $sql = ('INSERT INTO attachments (attstatus, postsID, atturl, atttype, attcaption, attordering, attwidth_incontents, itsfirst, itssecond) (SELECT attstatus, postsID, atturl, atttype, attcaption, attordering, attwidth_incontents, itsfirst, itssecond FROM attachments WHERE attid = ?)');
    $stmt = $kanzconn->prepare($sql);
    $stmt->bindValue(1, $Post_attid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
    catch(PDOException $e)
    echo $e->getMessage();

IF as you say in opening post that your form is returning an array attid, then you can wrap the query in a foreach loop.

if(isset($_POST['attid']) && !empty($_POST['attid'])):
    try {
        foreach($_POST['attid'] as $Post_attid){
            $sql = ('INSERT INTO attachments (attstatus, postsID, atturl, atttype, attcaption, attordering, attwidth_incontents, itsfirst, itssecond) (SELECT attstatus, postsID, atturl, atttype, attcaption, attordering, attwidth_incontents, itsfirst, itssecond FROM attachments WHERE attid = ?)');
            $stmt = $kanzconn->prepare($sql);
            $stmt->bindValue(1, $Post_attid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
        catch(PDOException $e)
        echo $e->getMessage();


Yes, validation of POST input is missing from this example.

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Drummin, Thank you very much
complement please, Possible

only one field $_GET[‘postid’] changed when insert the row(s)

This syntax is wrong:

How can dissolves the problem to change the value of “postsID” and get it from $_GET[‘postid’] when inserted?

You would replace that field with your get value. Something like this.

if(isset($_GET['postid']) && is_numeric($_GET['postid'])):

    $postid = $_GET['postid'];
    if(isset($_POST['attid']) && !empty($_POST['attid'])):
        try {
            foreach($_POST['attid'] as $Post_attid){
                $sql = "INSERT INTO attachments (attstatus, postsID, atturl, atttype, attcaption, attordering, attwidth_incontents, itsfirst, itssecond) SELECT attstatus, ?, atturl, atttype, attcaption, attordering, attwidth_incontents, itsfirst, itssecond FROM attachments WHERE attid = ?";
                $stmt = $kanzconn->prepare($sql);
                $stmt->bindValue(1, $postid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $stmt->bindValue(2, $Post_attid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
            catch(PDOException $e)
            echo $e->getMessage();
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Two use cases for array_walk in one evening. Odd. Checkboxes are arrays - you can’t pass arrays directly into a database. And executing an query in a loop of any kind is usually a bad idea. Try this…

if(isset($_GET['postid']) && is_numeric($_GET['postid'])) {
  $postid = $_GET['postid'];

  if(isset($_POST['attid']) && !empty($_POST['attid'])) {
    try {
      // Filter the checkbox values making sure they are integers.
      array_walk($_POST['attid'], function(&$v) {$val = intval($val); });

      // For further paranoia we'll use array filter to insure all values > 0
      $attid = array_filter($_POST['attid'], function($val) { return $val > 0; });

      // If we still have ids we can query.
      if (count($attid) > 0 ) {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO attachments (attstatus, postsID, atturl, atttype, attcaption, attordering, attwidth_incontents, itsfirst, itssecond) SELECT attstatus, ?, atturl, atttype, attcaption, attordering, attwidth_incontents, itsfirst, itssecond FROM attachments WHERE attid IN(".(implode(',',$attid)).")";
        $stmt = $kanzconn->prepare($sql);
        $stmt->bindValue(1, $postid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
    } catch(PDOException $e) {
      echo $e->getMessage();

So we end up running only one query. One of these days PDO will be expanded to allow for arrays to be imploded int strings for use with SQL “in” clauses but until then they’ll continue to need to be written directly into the SQL statement as seen above which is inherently dangerous so proceed with caution when doing it.


Very interesting approach.

Thanks for amazing note.
also use empty for check 0

if(isset($_GET['postid']) && is_numeric($_GET['postid']) && !empty($_GET['postid'])) {

Database id’s should be higher than 0, so postid > 0 is more accurate than empty. Also, the code I added needs to recheck for 0 members left in the array because the array_filter function will strip out all the rows if they are all invalid.