Duplicate Content and Copying

Welcome to the forums @robertewert017

There are a few topic about this already you can look at:-


It is near impossible to stop people from copying your content if it’s published on-line.
In some cases you may be able to take action against them.

The way Google deals with duplicate content is it tries to identify the original version of the content, favouring that over copies. So it’s important to try and make them aware that you are the original owner of the content.
To do this I try to get my content indexed first, as soon as I publish a new article, I use “Fetch as Google” in Search Console, which often will get content indexed almost immediately, as which point it will be unique. If it’s indexed on your site first, Google will be more likely to consider you as the original author. For good measure you can also add the author name and date published to an article, in both readable from and structured data for the bots.