Hi there.
I’m making drupal website, and I got problem in user registration form.
When I’m opening registration page, it’s asking for username and email adderss, but it’s not asking for password.
I don’t think that it’s normal.
Using manage fields I could add some new fields, for example name, surname, but I’m sure that password fields has to be visible by default.
Why it’s like that?
Hey, I got the solution.
I’m writing it, maybe someone will need it
I have downloaded this plugin http://drupal.org/project/user_registrationpassword , and anything is correct now
@edgarzakaryan: Drupal’s account page is set up so that as a prospective user, you create a new account and the system sends you a welcome email that prompts you to create a password the first time you visit the site. You don’t have to create a password when you sign up.