Domain Problems

What should I do in this case:

please tell me

Depends. What do you want to do with the domain?

I tried to add a new domain to in mailtrap, than I tried to add the DNS in the cloudflare, but while I was trying to add them one of the DNS was failed which is called SPF, so I went to SPF Merge Tool and there I merged it, but now when I am trying to add the merged value to the cloudflare it gives me this error:

the blue one is the error, and the red one is the merged value, and the yellow one is the merged name.
What should I do?

To be honest, you’re all over the place. I really can’t follow what you are trying to do.

In the yello marked text box, enter @ instead of your domain. Refresh the page and see if you still get same error, can be some cloudflare temporary error.

I was trying to create an domain in mailtrap, and in the same time i was trying to solve the problem with sending emails, but now I am trying to send emails to my gmail acount not to mailtrap, and now I am trying to make it work and stick with it, but in the same time i have not idea about sending emails to my gmail acount, but I am trying to stick with it and make it work.
So, could you give me a kind instruction or something like that to send emails to my gmail acount?
And, could you just tell which option should I select in these three options: * Option 1: Send email with SMTP relay (recommended)

  • Option 2: Send email with the Gmail SMTP server
  • Option 3: Send email with the restricted Gmail SMTP server