Hi all,
PHP scrub here. I have a form which allows a user to input data into as many duplicate fields as necessary and then it’s stored in separate tables on a MySQL database. When it comes to working with just one field that can be duplicated n-times, I have no trouble. I can loop through and insert the data as needed by doing something like so:
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$this = escape($_POST['this']);
$that = escape($_POST['that']);
$sql = "INSERT INTO table SET this='$this', that='$that'";
$result = mysqli_query($link, $sql);
if(!$result) {
// begin catastrophic meltdown
$last_id = mysqli_insert_id($link);
if ($_POST['field-thats-duplicated']) {
foreach ($_POST['field-thats-duplicated'] as $key=>$value) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO another-table SET field='$value', user_id='$last_id'";
$result = mysqli_query($link, $sql);
if(!$result) {
// cue Chuck Norris karate-chop
} else {
// Nothing added, it's Hammer time.
My problem arises when allowing a user to duplicate n-times, a fieldset which contains three input fields. Here is a chunk of what I am receiving from my new form:
array(12) {
["name"]=> string(18) "Firstname Lastname"
["email"]=> string(16) "email@domain.web"
["licensure"]=> string(10) "California"
["languages"]=> string(26) "English, Spanish, Japanese"
["education"]=> array(1) {
["education"]=> array(3) {
[0]=> array(3) {
["edu_date"]=> string(11) "1996 - 2000"
["edu_degree"]=> string(7) "Diploma"
["edu_detail"]=> string(11) "High School"
[1]=> array(3) {
["edu_date"]=> string(11) "2000 - 2004"
["edu_degree"]=> string(17) "Bachelor's Degree"
["edu_detail"]=> string(26) "San Diego State University"
[2]=> array(3) {
["edu_date"]=> string(11) "2004 - 2008"
["edu_degree"]=> string(9) "Doctorate"
["edu_detail"]=> string(24) "Leo's Beautician School"
and so on...
I’m confused as to how I can go about dissecting the above “education” array into chunks to be inserted into its respected table/rows. Any insight or links would be greatly appreciated. My searches online so far have been in vain. Please, speak slowly though, I am “special”; it’s written on my helmet.
Thank you for your time.