Hi! I would like to copy the title and/or author from the slider on this URL (for example, Dialoghi con Leucò by Cesare Pavese).
I’m using this userscript, but when I select text, the slider moves, and I have to double-click to highlight the text. Is there a way to prevent this behavior?
I am not sure if it this you want but here you go…
(function setupCopyFunctionality() {
document.querySelectorAll('.cc-slide').forEach(link => {
let info = link.children[0].innerText
// console.log(info);
let values = info.split("\n")
let title = values[0]
let author = values[1].split("di")[1]
let cost = values[2]
console.log("Author: " + author)
console.log("Title: " + title)
// Crea un nuovo elemento span che sostituisce il link
const span = document.createElement('span');
span.textContent = title;
span.style.cursor = 'text';
span.onclick = () => {
// Utilizza il template literal per concatenare il titolo e autore
navigator.clipboard.writeText(`${title} - ${author}`)
.catch(console.error); // Non mostra alcun popup
// Sostituzione del link con lo span
No, thanks, the formatting is completely distorted, as shown in the screenshot. The initial userscript is fine for the result, but the slider carousel should not move when I select and copy the title and author.