Disable current link in breadcrumb trail


Does anyone know how to disable the current link in a breadcrumb trail.

All that i know in XSLT has failed

Please help

here is the XSLT code:

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
  <xsl:output method="html" omit-xml-declaration="yes" />

	Variable to determine if the current open page is displayed as a link or plain text
	select = 1 - displays plain text link
	select = 0 - displays link (default value)
  <xsl:variable name="DisableCurrentPageLink" select="0" />
  <xsl:template match="BreadCrumbTrail">
	<xsl:apply-templates select="Page" />

  <xsl:template match="Page">
	<span class="BCTDelimiter">&#187;</span>
		  <xsl:when test="$DisableCurrentPageLink = 1">
				  <xsl:when test="@IsOpenPage = 1">
					  <span class="breadcrumb-link">
						  <xsl:value-of select="@Title"/>
					  <a href="{@URL}" class="breadcrumb-link" title="{@Title}">
						  <xsl:value-of select="@Title" />
			  <a href="{@URL}" class="breadcrumb-link" title="{@Title}">
				  <xsl:value-of select="@Title" />