Difference between Google trends and Google insights

Please share your knowledge that what is the difference between google trends and google insights.

Let me Google that for you… :x

Google treands will show what are the hot searches at the moment.
Insight for search shows what people are searching on google for a given country in a specific time frame :slight_smile:

you nailed it afridy. I cant add anything more…lol

Google trend shows which keyword is searched mostly for the particular period.
Google insight shows the region where the keywords are searched.

For a real world example of Insights…

I have a client who’s PPC marketing was down for December - he literally had 0 sales. I did a quick analysis of his past year in business and contrasted it with Google Insight’s data - it turns out that December is the worst month of the year for his industry.

BUT the good news - it turns out that January is the BEST month, and so we’re planning a major marketing launch via PPC starting January 1. …Actually, Jan 2 because I plan on being VERY hung over Jan 1 :slight_smile:

Agree with afridy. Both tools of Google is a Great application for SEO. Google the SEO friendly search engine. Thanks to Google.

Google trends tell you the most searched terms/keywords, while Google insights tell what are the most searches for specific region.

Everythings been said on this topic.