If you were an author of Thinking Web : Voices of the Community (or if you’re just a big fan) it is now available for print on demand, thanks to the hard work of author Clive Wickham and our publishing team, who did the tricky formatting. You can order your copy here (please be aware that this is nothing to do with SitePoint - it is a third party company).
Is that the the first Edition version as with the free PDF? If so it will contain a lot of errata.
Yes, it is. It is the one and only version.
Geez…50 bucks…why are Sitepoint books always so expensive?
Most Sitepoint books are actually pretty cheap compared to a lot of other computer books.
That one happens to be pretty expensive because it’s a print-on-demand book (which is always substantially more than a normal print-and-stock variety).
Yoyo the PDF and eBook version is free; [B][COLOR=Orange]Thinking Web: Voices of the Community[/COLOR][/B] and due to legal reasons and so-forth myself and the other co-authors were quite happy for that to be the case. So really it couldn’t ever really be a commercially “for profit” project.
The SP Editors created/missed some errata the software created some more formatting anomalies and a list of some of the errors was submitted by myself (but never responded to). Thus work was begun on a more compete list of fixes…
Anyway thanks for informing us Sarah that is the original unedited version. Anybody wanting my autograph you’d have to pay the postage. LOL.
So like was mentioned it’s a independent print-on-demand contraption in the ‘spirit’ of a collectors hardcopy edition I suspect mainly intended for the co-authors to purchase. Thus the high costs, since it wasn’t really going to be viable for SP to do a full book hardcopy printrun, etc.