Design Resources and Inspiration 2: The Resurrection

A list of design resources.

Award Sites



Stock Photography / Icons




Feel free to add links below.

yeah! thanks for reposting these… : )

Another one for the Color section - Adobe Kuler

Wonderful list! Thanks for collecting these gems in a single thread!

*Stumbled it.

A couple of other inspiration sites.

Another CSS gallery:

Hey! Don’t forget LuckyOliver on that list of stock sites. We’re still new, but have some great features that will save you some search time. Let me know if you have any questions…

Thank you so much. This is going to keep me busy for a while. :wink:

wow wow wow, Thanks for this post. <3

Another inspirational design website that I just found.


Wonderful list

very nice list
thanks :wink:

Awesome list of stock photo sites. I’ve been looking for this. Thanks a million.

Thanks, that is good resources. Will bookmark it.

An award site for church sites:

Church Beauty

It’s really a great list. If you could add some more comments to each site it would be even better. I guess that’s a lot of work, just a suggestion. You have already done a great service just posting this so thanks!

Please could you add to the icons category.


Wonderful work vgarcia. thank you very much.

Pritam Barhate.