Deprecated in *\\wp-includes\\class-simplepie.php on line

I also have this
display_startup_errors = On
log_errors = On

Could any of these in the php.ini file be the problem.

By “top level” I mean the root folder. eg htdocs, basically just somewhere that you can open the file in your browser to see the output.

Turning off display_errors might work - you want to see them while your developing, but they should be off on a live site. The start-up and log directives are separate things and more than likely are not involved with this problem.

I’m wondering, if you temporarily disable the Role Edit plugin, does the problem stop? If so I’ll comb through the plugin’s code to see what it’s doing that involves Simplepie.

when I disable the role edit plugin the problem continues in the incoming links and the wordpress blogs option on the dashboard. Of course I don’t have to see the long list of deprecated messages from the role edit plugin.

I’ll try turning off error display and see what happens.

display_errors: off
fixed the problem

I’m so happy

Thanks Mittineague, for sticking by me through this long and extremely, arduous process. :slight_smile:

A pleasure (well, the fixing it part anyway :wink: )

Be aware that turning off display errors might have fixed the problem but it doesn’t fix the errors, they’re still there. That’s OK as long as you know what the errors are and you can account for them as acceptable. But if you’re developing or ever have problems where “something doesn’t work” you’ll want to turn them back on.

I’m still curious, what did
echo ini_get(‘error_reporting’);

ok so talk me through this where do I find the htdocs file and how do I go about putting the code in and give you the info.

ok I found htdocs file in the apache folder with the index.html file in there. do I open it in dreamweaver and put the code in there?

ok whatever im doing is wrong. not sure what I should be doing with the php code above.

htdocs is a folder not a file. Though it might be named something else, it’s just the first folder a browser can get to - eg. where a site’s main index page goes.

I wouldn’t bother with DW for such a simple test file, saving it with a plain text editor like Notepad would work good enough. Just name it something like mytemptest.php so it won’t overwrite an important file

echo ini_get(error_reporting');

Then start the server, open a browser and go to it. That should show you what the default error reporting levels that PHP is using are.

Maybe you already have a php info that shows the same in it?
PHP Core
Directive - Local Value - Master Value

error_reporting - 6135 - 6135

when I create a php file in the wordpress site with code above I get:
Does that tell you anything? When I try to create it in the apache/htdocs folder dreamweaver tells me I have to define a server which I only know how to do in the www folder and when I tried that the result was nothing so I think I did it wrong.

ok so in the php info file which I already had said the same thing
error_reporting 30719 30719

The number represents a Constant

30719 E_ALL (integer) All errors and warnings, as supported, except of level E_STRICT. 30719 in PHP 5.3.x

I was a bit off when I thought it was STRICT - that should teach me to think about version differences more.

I’m surprised
in your ini didn’t work

Oh well, I’m glad you got things smoothed out for now.

well I tried E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED again but it didn’t work.