Delete A Tag Cloud from Category Page

Recently studied the value of tag clouds and based on what Matt said in this video, I have decided to omit/hide the tag cloud which appears on all 63 of my category pages. Here are a few of my category pages (see lower right of each page):
Page here
This page
also here
And see attached screenshot to understand my question…can I drag the widget right out of site so the tag cloud no longer appears on these pages? I use version 4.5.3 so am curious as to your thoughts…Matt states he too, has category pages for his blogging. Has anyone had recent experience with dragging their tag cloud off the category pages and if so, where?

In the widget area, there should be a region for keeping widgets that you want to remove from the pages without affecting their settings called “Inactive Widgets”. Just drag that Tag Cloud widget to that area.

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Let me go back in and look for that region, WebMachine!

Hi WebMachine: So I drag that widget in area I am showing in screenshot but look at this category page and this category page

(WordPress - UGH)

Do you have a Cache plugin installed?

Could this one be the culprit? These are the only plugins I use

yes - using that means that it may be a few hours before the tag cloud disappears from the various pages.

What I had done was X out that tag cloud from the spot where you move it, since moving it didn’t make it disappear so should I drag it down to that spot again and wait for 3 hours or so? I was also thinking of “de-activating” W3TC, then moving the tag cloud widget and re-activating the W3TC later . . . although de-activating it will probably screw up something else. What are your thoughts?

It depends on how you would prefer to spend the next few hours.

  • waiting for a non-broken site to catch up to your changes
  • risk breaking the site and spending time trying to get the site back up

IMHO the best use of the time would be to get a complete working copy of the site onto your computer so you could test changes before making them on the live site.


The tag cloud still is there. I moved it to that area where it states the cloud would no longer be visible on the pages…however after ten hours or more, I have lost faith in the ability of wordpress…

so how long do you have caching set to apply for in that caching plugin?

Hi Felgal: Not sure how long I have caching set for W3TC but I deactivated plugin prior to moving that widget to the “hide” location and then re-activated the plugin…not only did the tag cloud still appear, my site was knocked offline for 9 hours according to my tracking site that tells me when my site is down…luckily it’s back up and running. In any case, I really don’t know what else to do - thanks

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