Database-Driven Website (Chapter 8 - Mysql Administration)


I am reading the 3rd edition book from Kevin Yank “Building a Database Driven Website” and when I entered in chapter 8, I read this:

“In this chapter, the instructions i’ll provide will be designed for use on a computer running Linux, or some other UNIX-based operating system. If you’re running your MySQL server under Windows, the methods and advice provided here will all apply equally well, but you’ll have to come up with some of the specific commands yourself.”

I am running MySQL server under Windows 7 but still i tried to understand some commands and tried to work it out, but i couldn’t do it well.

If someone can help me out with this… i will be very thankful!

consider using a front-end program such as HeidiSQL or the MySQL Workbench

Thanks I don’t know heidiSQL nor MySQL workbench but i will definitely give it a try!