Custom Profile Management

I’ve been working on this for a while now and nothing has been a bigger pain in I’m trying to implement custom profile fields in my visual studio 2008 web application project. I’ve read a lot of tutorials but they all seem to be either out dated or don’t apply to web application projects. Last night I got a little closer to solving the problem when I found the “Web Profile Builder” for web applications. I’ve successfully set this up and can handle static profile data.
I’ve got my web.config file setup and I can access my custom profile fields by Profile.CustomField. Now I want to figure out how I integrate this with the database and data connection. I know there are two standard ways to handle this, I would like to create new columns in the aspnet_Profile database (rather than the delimited key/value option).
I’m pretty new to and this is my first project with c#, .net, and asp. Does anyone know of any helpful tutorials or have any tips on how to approach this problem?

Personally, I’d just implement my own profile provider talking to my own object models. Touching the aspnet db directly is a generally bad idea.

Watch this video

and read this article

I did something like that here:

My gut feeling is to keep all your associated data for a particular member in separate tables and stay away from the OOTB membership tables.