Custom page to call on a diff css

Thank you Labofoz, will go try it out.
Although i have wondered before why sometime is see the echo & ohter times i do not.
Will let you know what hap.

ok put this in the header, right before the

<?php if(is_page('urchin-cove')): ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?> /css/wikiPage.css">
<?php endif; ?>

didnā€™t work.

I didnā€™t notice this until now, but you have a space after the ?> :stuck_out_tongue: , use this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/css/wikiPage.css">
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omg. you guys are awesome! thank you both for your patience in helping me out w/this!
Thank you that worked!

Some WordPress functions require the echo and some donā€™t, so it can get confusing. Thatā€™s why I like to make sure by looking them up in the WP Codex and seeing a few samples of their use. I apologise if I mistakenly left the echo out here and misled you. The Codex is your friend.

i donā€™t knowā€¦w/friends like thatā€¦
& what i find really confusing (& i know this is dumb but) is when i see the function w/an element inside such as


It seems that the dollar sign itself is not required?

But no worries. i did not felt misled thank you for your help & the tip about the non consistent ā€œechoā€ requirements. I didnā€™t know that.


Hi,You can add in the article also

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/css/wikiPage.css">

Tag - < style>.background{ whatever }</ style>

Sometime u want to load different images on different pages or change the background for every page, then this will be the easiest option.


It seems that the dollar sign itself is not required?

You might be referring to something like function_name($args) . What happens here is that just before the function call, all the needed parameters are listed in an array called $args, and then $args is used in the function instead of listing all of the parameters inside function_name(); So in this case, yes the $ is needed.

Thank you for the explanation.
That helped.

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