Custom fields advice needed

I am using acf.
I want to create a table each row has a person’s name, phone number & other data.
so far i got

						echo'<div class="gAndE">';

but of course i’d change the styling to something like

						echo'<table class="gAndE">';
						echo '<tr>';
						echo '</tr>';

also am wandering if i could create a lop for the info.
so i could put several names in the employee_name filed? Seems like it should work?
could i get some advice on how to do this or get pointed to a tutorial on it?

It’s a little bit more work, but not by much:

    echo'<table class="gAndE">'; # Move this OUTSIDE the loop, we only need rows

        # Grab the variables
        $name       = get_field('employee_name');
        $deskPhone  = get_field('desk_phone');

        # Loop through each
        # Note the <?=@ symbol is used to hide possible warnings when $name[$i] is empty
        for($i = 0; $i < count($name); $i++): ?>
                <td><?=@ $name[$i] ?></td>
                <td><?=@ $deskPhone[$i] ?></td>
        <?php endforeach;


You can use echo statements if you like, but this is a little cleaner.

Thank you! will go & try it out.
Cleaner is always better!

Say the tags don’t seem to be closing appropriately. i tried adding an extra php delimiter but it seems incorrect, could you please advise?
For example you have <?php endforeach; do you meant for that to be closed elsewhere?

Strange! Try adding:


At the very end of what I posted, so the complete code should be:

    echo'<table class="gAndE">'; # Move this OUTSIDE the loop, we only need rows

        # Grab the variables
        $name       = get_field('employee_name');
        $deskPhone  = get_field('desk_phone');

        # Loop through each
        # Note the <?=@ symbol is used to hide possible warnings when $name[$i] is empty
        for($i = 0; $i < count($name); $i++): ?>
                <td><?=@ $name[$i] ?></td>
                <td><?=@ $deskPhone[$i] ?></td>
        <?php endforeach;

} ?>

no. i had taken that into account and figured you just assumed i’d put the closing tag in. So did.

					echo'<table class="gAndE">'; # Move this OUTSIDE the loop, we only need rows

						# Grab the variables
						$name       = get_field('employee_name');
						$deskPhone  = get_field('desk_phone');

						# Loop through each
						# Note the <?=@ symbol is used to hide possible warnings when $name[$i] is empty
						for($i = 0; $i < count($name); $i++): ?>
								<td><?=@ $name[$i] ?></td>
								<td><?=@ $deskPhone[$i] ?></td>
						<?php endforeach;

				} ?>

gets me error

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘endforeach’ (T_ENDFOREACH) in C:\xampp\htdocs\cdi\wp-content\themes\cdi_oregon\employeeList.php on line 37

i really see no reason for it though.
It is inside the loop, everything looks ok.

	<div id="primary" class="content-area">
		<main id="main" class="site-main" role="main">

		<?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>

			<?php /* Start the Loop */ ?>
			<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

					get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() );

					echo'<table class="gAndE">'; # Move this OUTSIDE the loop, we only need rows

						# Grab the variables
						$name       = get_field('employee_name');
						$deskPhone  = get_field('desk_phone');

						# Loop through each
						# Note the <?=@ symbol is used to hide possible warnings when $name[$i] is empty
						for($i = 0; $i < count($name); $i++): ?>
								<td><?=@ $name[$i] ?></td>
								<td><?=@ $deskPhone[$i] ?></td>
						<?php endforeach;

				} ?>

			<?php endwhile; ?>

			<?php cdi_oregon_paging_nav(); ?>

		<?php else : ?>

			<?php get_template_part( 'content', 'none' ); ?>

		<?php endif; ?>

		</main><!-- #main -->

Oops sorry about that, change the “endforeach” to “endfor”

Thank you Oz. that was great. And just about there. It only gives the first letter of the name & first number of the phone however.
Which makes not sense as in the array you are asking for the full field. I don’t see anywhere in the code why it would only do that.

Hey Oz any advice please?

Actually while i’d still love to know why it isn’t reading the full acf field I did find this page that was quite helpful

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