Why can’t we use CSS code that has hyphens?
is there any method to fix this or no?
Why can’t we use CSS code that has hyphens?
is there any method to fix this or no?
Because it’s not margin-top in JS. It’s marginTop
Though if you’re going to be changing multiple properties, it might make more sense to put those all in a class and add the class name dynamically.
In css
.newClass {
border: 1px solid red;
margin-top: 10px;
function ForChild(child) {
This gives you the benefit of having ALL the css configuration in one place and you don’t have to hunting for it through JS.
Because in js the hyphen is the minus operator.
I did it without hyphen with CamelCase and without, still didn’t work.
space-around has a hyphen in it. Things inside strings can contain hyphens.
element.style.justifyContent = "space-around";
I got it
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