i have added a site search to my website www.theoldstuff.co.uk but when the search results show up on my search_page.html it is not using my current css.
it is centering the results and has green links which looks very messy. Anyone know how i can change this please?
Hi there,
You could add:
text-align: left;
to div#content.
That would at least get rid of the centreing effect
P.S. All of the styles for that page appear to be defined in a file called “find_search.php”
The HTML output for those search results is pretty awful, so the ideal would be to fix that.
But if you can’t, you can at least mess around with your CSS, but adding things like this:
#content {
text-align: left;
#content small font {
color: #78000E !important;
padding-right: 5px;
font-size: 1.125em;
#content small br {
display: none;
Partly beaten by Pullo.
thats brilliant thanks