CSS and image href not working! Please help!

(1) What kind of tutorial are you following? What is it supposed to do?

(2) Are you working throuigh the tutorial on a test web site or on your computer?

(3) Both the link and and img paths look correctly formed. The question becomes is the .css file located where the link is pointing and is the image located where the path says it is?

www.mysite.org/index.htm  /* the home page, whatever it is named */

In a simple site, the index file is located in the “root” direcory by default.
Your paths show that there is an /img/ and a /css/ directory in that root location also. The target files should reside within those directories. The image within the /img/ folder, and the css file withing the /css/ direcory.
Syntax and Punctuation matter. Also be sure that all cases in the path and filenames are the same. Images should have dimension in the “width” and “height” attributes and should include an “alt” value that is displayed if the image is not found.

If you have not done so, please read our posting guidelines for suggestions about posting code and describing problems:

You can probably post your code in a “working page” so we can see exactly what you see.

If you are using a test site, please post a link to the test site.

Use the validators given to you by @John_Betong. They should be your best friends while developing a web page.

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