Creating multiple websites within a internal setup

Im trying to setup multiple internal web sites to learn/test php scripts and looking to create a environment close as possible to the real thing using ubuntu/apache. I’m also using (comes with purchasing the dlink router) to connect to my webserver more specifically to the default Apache webpage . On the default webpage i created couple of links, example, etc.

The default webpage & the works, both websites can be accessed internally. the default webpage can also be accessed using from a external site ie coffee shop.

Problem, if i click a link on the default page ie comes back with server not found. From looks of things its not searching my own webserver. the hosts(ubuntu) and the host file in windows are set correctly because i can access the site.

On the default Apache page I have the following link: Testing

OS: ubuntu 14.10
Apache 2 2.4
I don’t own this is purely an internal setup for testing script.

any ideas as to how to resolve this?

Hi Robin,

First, gudonya for establishing a test server!

On mine, I add the test server’s domain to the hosts file ( test_domain) and to the httpd-vhosts.conf file (follow the examples there). Done this way, the browser on localhost need not go to an outside DNS. In other words, I DO NOT NEED dlinkddns. Saying that, your linking to DLink’s domain name server is likely your problem.

Tip: I create test server domains by duplicating my production domains excluding the domain name extension (tld) … OR an abbreviation of the production domain name.



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