Creating Landscape Certificates on HTML Webpages

I am trying to create certificates on html webpages. Normally, though not all the time, certificates are landscape/horizontal. How can I create a landscape certificate on an html webpage without the viewer having to change the printer settings to landscape? Is there an html code that automatically places images/texts on its side whether right or left or do I have no choice but to make the certificates vertical? This isn’t a problem for me. I just would like to know my options before I begin creating these certificates. Thanks.

HTML was designed to be flexible so you would have to use CSS and define explicit fixed print dimension. Even then you cannot guarantee the browser will honour. The @page and ‘landscape’ property value used to be the method for CSS 2 but typically the landscape propriety will no longer work in current user-agents.

So you cannot really guarantee such things (page dimension and print sizes) and that’s why PDF is typically used for downloadable Certificates.

Thank you so much for your response. I decided to stay with the vertical certificate style. Trying to go landscape sounds like it is more work than it is worth.