I hope I’m posting this question in the correct place.
I have a website that I designed for a client a couple of years ago. It is an e-commerce site that sells racing car parts. One section of the site is a “Customer Gallery”. The way I have the site set up right now is - I have a form that customers can fill out and they can submit up to three photos. The results of this form come to me and I upload the results to the “Customer Gallery” section of the site.
They have gotten a pretty good response to this and have almost 200 entries placed over 16 pages (this did not happen overnight, we’ve been accepting entries for over a year). Here is a link to the first page (you can scroll to the bottom of the page and jump to other pages): http://www.alkydigger.net/customergallery001.php
Here is the issue -
They are not happy with the layout and the jump menu to move from page to page. I’m looking for ideas on different ways to lay this out for them and different paging options. One thing that is important to them is that the newest entries come first.
I would:
1/ Remove the upload form from page 1 of the pagination and have a seperate link to it.
2/ Have the gallery start page display one thumbnail of all the different cars with a link to that car.
This means people do not have to wade through every page to find the car they want.
3/ Use a pagination system that alows for next and previous
Sorting in date order is straight forward; the method depends on what you now about the image.
Either the upload date on the photo or the date it was input into the database - if you saved that.