Could you guys help me with these questions?

The title says it all, if anyone is willing to help, i’ll be grateful!

  1. Write a nav tag that has a heading tag nested inside. Add a style to the heading tag to make it so that it does not show.

  2. Why would we use a heading tag in question 1 if we do not show the tag?

  3. List 5 more HTML 5 “Semantic” tags

  4. What is the name for the specific type of application we use to upload and download files to and from the server? For instance, Filezilla is this type of application (not a Web Editor):

  5. Write the THREE types of permissions for a Web page or folder and the THREE target user types that complete the permissions chart:

  6. Write a starting form tag that will submit to http://test.html via post

  7. Write an example of CGI format that shows up in the Browser location bar when using GET

  8. Name FOUR old types of input tags that were around before HTML 5

  9. Name FOUR new types of input tags that were added in HTML 5

  10. Name THREE new input parameter values that were added in HTML 5

  11. List the first names of FOUR people in your class.

    \ escapes. . a single character. * zero or more. + one or more. ? zero or one. () group. | or.
    {n} n times. {n,} n or more times. {n-m} n to m times.

[list] any in list. [^list] not any in list. - range of any.
\d decimal. \D not decimal. \n new line. \s space. \S not space.
\w word character (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _). \W not word character

A) Write the regular expression to match two letter initials, both uppercase A to Z with periods for example D.H. but any letters.

B) Write the regular expression to match a time notation of 1:00 where the first number can have one or two numbers and the second must have two numbers.

Hi omarbasem welcome to the forum.

Sorry, but to me those don’t look like questions.

Starting at 1, what does your HTML with “nav, header” look like?

Is this a school assignment or test? If so, shouldn’t you be the one to answer the questions?


What was the reading assignment? Perhaps we can after we read it for you.

@omarbasem: as others have said, this looks as if you’re asking others to complete a school assignment for you. Nobody is going to do that.

I suggest you start working through these questions yourself, and if you get stuck at any point, post your own answer here, and we can help you from there. You’ll find members here are very willing to help, if you show a desire to learn, but this isn’t a free coding service where things will be done for you.


Hmmm, I think I need to go back to school as I can only answer about 4 of those off the top of my head :slight_smile:

Jean, Lesley, Ron and Allan :slight_smile:


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