Converting MySQL backup script to work with multiple dbs

Hi there everyone!

I would like to use this script to backup my site’s db’s so my automated file backup solution will download them along with the files.

So the magic bits are:

DB definitions/variables:

define("DB_USER", 'your_username');
define("DB_PASSWORD", 'your_password');
define("DB_NAME", 'your_db_name');

Making it happen:

$backupDatabase = new Backup_Database(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, CHARSET);
$result = $backupDatabase->backupTables(TABLES, BACKUP_DIR) ? 'OK' : 'KO';
$backupDatabase->obfPrint('Backup result: ' . $result, 1);

// Use $output variable for further processing, for example to send it by email
$output = $backupDatabase->getOutput();

My thinking is that I need to make the db credentials an array and I need to convert the last bit to while/foreach through it. The issue I have is that sometimes, there will be multiple DB names attached to the same user, so I need to set that up as a subarray of some sort.

    User: bob
    pass: password
    db names: cats, dogs, dolphins
    User: john
    pass: 11111
    db names: bikes, cars, boats
    User: jane
    pass: 123456
    db names: pizza

But I’m having problems figuring out how to convert this script to work through all available databases. Any help on doing this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time!

I believe you can query MySQL to give you a list of the tables inside each database, and presumably each database. Not sure how, exactly, but I’m sure I’ve seen it.

If you’re happy to hard-code it, inside your foreach for the database, you could just check if the tables entry is an array, if it is, then a nested foreach through the tables, if not, then just use the single table name. Or to make it easier, make the tables list always a sub-array, then just foreach through one or more entries.


(optionally IN dbname)

I knew it’d be something complex and obscure like that. :slight_smile:

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Hi there guys, and thanks for the help!

The script I linked actually takes care of all that. I just need to convert the script from backing up one database to backing up multiple databases accessible by multiple users.

I am sure that I need to convert the database connection elements into an array then loop through them. I’m just having problems making that happen.

You can put your credentials into an associative array structure like so:

$backups = [
        'user' => 'bob',
        'pass' => 'password',
        'db_names' => ['cats', 'dogs', 'dolphins']
        'user' => 'john',
        'pass' => '11111',
        'db_names' => ['bikes', 'cars', 'boats']
        'user' => 'jane',
        'pass' => '123456',
        'db_names' => ['pizza']

Now you can itterate through each top level entry and each nested db_name and use these values instead of the defined constants to pass to the Backup_Database constructor:

foreach ($backups as $backup) {
    $user = $backup['user'];
    $pass = $backup['pass'];
    $dbNames = $backup['db_names'];
    foreach ($dbNames as $dbName) {
        $backupDatabase = new Backup_Database(DB_HOST, $user, $pass, $dbName, CHARSET);
        $result = $backupDatabase->backupTables(TABLES, BACKUP_DIR) ? 'OK' : 'KO';
        $backupDatabase->obfPrint('Backup result: ' . $result, 1);
        // Use $output variable for further processing, for example to send it by email
        $output = $backupDatabase->getOutput();
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That just works fantastically, thanks so much for the help!

That app sure is a lot of code to do what the database can already do natively in very little code. You should really be using the DB to do backups by running a shell script with CRON. Your backups will happen automatically without you having to remember to do it. The DB can back itself up a lot better than PHP can do it.

Here is a basic shell script to do a DB backup.

mysqldump --user=YOURUSERNAME --password=YOURPASSWORD --host=YOURSERVER DBNAME > /path/to/save/backups/mysql_backup.sql
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