Hi guys,
I am trying to convert a time to a unix time stamp my code below: is producing incorrect results:
$x = ("03:14:59:20");
$y = ("01:16:01:02");
echo "Fist time:".$x."<$xbr/><br/>";
echo "Second time:".$y."<br/><br/>";
$now = explode(":",$x); // gives us $now[0]=>2005, $now[1]=>11, $now[2] => 20
$now2 = explode(":",$y); // gives us $now[0]=>2005, $now[1]=>11, $now[2] => 20
$now = mktime(0,0,0,$now[1],$now[2],$now[0]); // make unix timestamp -must be month day year (www.php.net)
$now2 = mktime(0,0,0,$now[1],$now[2],$now[0]); // make unix timestamp -must be month day year (www.php.net)
$now3 = $now - $now2;
echo $now." minus ".$now2." equals: ".$now3."<br/>";
$date_array = getdate($now3);
echo "The time is:".$date_array['hours'].":".$date_array['minutes'].":".$date_array['seconds'];
Can anyone suggest a correct and more efficient way of doing this.