In the past I have worked with GoDaddy for web-hosting and domain names, and while I know LOTS of people hate them and feel they offer sub-par products and services, the one benefit they have is that at least I am comfortable with them and know what to expect.
Here is my dilemma…
I have a deadline where I need to “go live” with a website by the end of January 2015. (Not a lot of time left!!)
If I had more time, I am sure that I could find better hosting and domain offerings than what GoDaddy has offered in the past. The problem is that I do not have the time to do proper research and still finish this project. And it seems that it is better to go with a so-so host and know what you are getting, than trying a new host that seems better on paper, but bombs out later after your site is up.
So I am wondering…
If I decide to stick with GoDaddy for the time being, how much will I hate myself in 6 months when I am likely ready to switch providers?
For example…
1.) Could GoDaddy hold my client’s domains hostage?
2.) Could GoDaddy hold the website hostage?
3.) Would my client end up with tons of down-time while we switch web hosts?
4.) Would switching web-hosts and SSL certificates ruin months of SEO work?
5.) And finally, what are the consequences of switching hosts (i.e. web-hosting, SSL certs, email, domains) on a live website that is a $$$-making business??
I hate staying with GoDaddy, but it seems like a safer bet, and maybe the only choice to help me meet my deadline.
Then again, if it is going to cause lots of heartache when my client wants to switch hosts in 6-12 months, then maybe I need to find a better host first.
I just see this entire topic as so risky and unknown…