Connect servlet and jsp in tomcat

I install the tomcat in linux .
Is there any program or example that let me connect the
tomcat by servlet and jsp ???
Please advice in detailed

If I understand your question, you want to see if Tomcat is running by connecting to it?

If you’re on the same computer as tomcat, type into the address bar of your browser and you’ll see the Tomcat homepage.

I want to try to use servlet and jsp to connect tomcat .
So, any example program i can use ???

I want to try to use servlet and jsp to connect tomcat .

This makes no sense…

Here’s the deal:

  • Tomcat is a ‘servlet container’, or, put another way, a server that can host Java servlets and JSP.

  • When you use your browser to ‘connect to Tomcat’, what you see is HTML, which was created dynamically by a JSP. That HTML, should you perform some action, sends a request to a servlet, which, via a JSP, replies - in HTML.

One does not ‘connect to Tomcat’, one views and interacts with applications hosted on Tomcat.

If you install Tomcat and start it up, there are some basic applications hosted at the address I gave you earlier. Once you get a feel for Tomcat, you can enable the Manager, which will allow you to, well, manage Tomcat and the applications it is hosting.

well, I don’t know if I’m missing something here or not… Tomcat comes with both JSP and servlet webapp examples… this, (or http://localhost:8080/servlets-examples/) should get you to the servlets examples… there are also jsp examples, I don’t have those in my own (looking at my tomcat online, I don’t have it installed at work…) but something like should take you to the jsp examples…

hope this answers your question…