Complete ColdFusion rewrite, or is there a PHP product like this?

I’d like to convert all functionality of my ColdFusion website to PHP and mySQL. That way I can use modern tools and add-ons to do some things I want to do with it.

Should I just hire someone to do a complete ColdFusion-to-PHP rewrite, or is there a PHP site template product that has most of the functionality of my site?

The site is it’s a casino chip collector’s website. Hosting info about every chip, and letting people use that data to host their own collection list, and want list, and they can mark their chips for sale or to trade.
(mods delete that URL if it’s not allowed, and i will just try to explain the site in detail instead)

Why not get a coldfusion developer to add the functionality you need. There’s nothing php can do that coldfusion can’t. You could even ask in the coldfusion forum here in sitepoint?

i’d be interested in learning more about the “modern tools and add-ons” that are apparently not available for cf

For various reasons, one of them hosting. I want to save money and get this new site off of the Windows/MSSQL/CF hosting package over to my flat rate dedicated server (should be no extra cost).

The bigger reason is expertise and add-on availability. I already have some ideas for enhancements but all I can find is PHP that can do them. Also it’s been very hard to find CF experts. has 1747 PHP jobs posted and only 6 for CF. I think the sooner the better I need to get off this platform.

I’ve done similar with some coldfusion sites - moved them to a railo (free coldfusion alternative) VPS. I can understand that it’s harder to source CF developers as they’re far rarer than PHP devs (if you’re stuck for one in the interim before you move platform I can probably put you in touch with a few)