Compatibility problems with webdesign

Hi guys!

I’ve been trying to mess around with javascript a bit and using swiffy to turn flash files to HTML5, and everything seems to work fine in Chrome but not in other browsers.
In IE, iframes won’t show at all, buttons don’t work and disappear on rollover, and javascript fade in doesn’t work.

Here’s the link:

I’m quite lost right now, so any idea might help.

Thanks a lot,

Without looking any further, I see you are lacking a doctype, which is a problem especially for IE. Replace the <head> tag with this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

I just did that, and this is what happens:

In chrome things move down, while in IE only shows the bg of the css.

You’ve got loads of syntax errors in there, and it could be one of them that’s causing the bug.

Run your site through and see if fixing those errors solves the problem first – it’s amazing how often that does the trick, even when the problem doesn’t seem to be related to any of the errors.

I’m checking it right away.


Just did so, changed all errors, but still the same problems persist!
Maybe the problem is at the js files? or /jquery-1.4.1.min.js

I suspect that the problem is somewhere in the Javascript, because when I disable it, IE displays the pages OK, although with a huge white box between the two sections of the menu.

To be honest, looking at the code you’re using, it’s a bit like trying to build a 10-storey building out of driftwood. Probably if you pack enough if it together, you might just get there, but it’s inefficient, won’t work properly, and is a crazy thing to do when you could use bricks or steel or concrete…

Layout tables and spacer gifs were considered outdated and old hat 10 years ago. And I’m sorry, but there is absolutely no excuse for using such antiquated design features on a website today. Iframes are almost never the right solution, no matter what the question is. And as for a total download size of about 4MB … what is that all for?! The content of your iframes is even worse, as it’s been generated from MS Word, which makes it riddled with errors and absolutely full of complete rubbish.

I wouldn’t worry about making it work in IE. I would worry about learning proper design and structure, using semantic HTML and CSS. Scrap that site and rebuild it from scratch. It will be worth it in the long run.