Client taking over coding of site - portfolio question

Hi, I have a client that “knows some html.” she has already started tweaking the site and I noticed there are a few things out of whack with the site. I am putting the site on my resume/portfolio, but it looks a lot different and quite frankly worse than what I originally made. It’s not to the point where I don’t want to put it on my portfolio but if she keeps changing it, that may happen. What do you guys do in a situation like this?

Do not put it on your portfolio or get a screen grab quick and put that on your portfolio.

Murphy’s Law will ensure, with 100% certainty, that if a potential client visits one of the sites in your portfolio at random, this is the one they will choose, and on a day when it’s deal-breakingly badly messed up too! :slight_smile:

If it’s going to give anyone a bad impression then take it out of your portfolio.

Maybe you can get some value out of it by editing an impressive screenshot in such a way that no one can identify the the URL and visit the actual site?
