Click ID problem

Hi, I am getting trouble with this,my problem is that I have a div as a container,and a tabs compose of two li’s ,every time i click Tab A the data will be request to the server via jQuery.ajax and then the requested data will be loaded to the container div,and if i click the Tab B the data also will be requested to the server via jQuery.Ajax and will be loaded to the container div…each Tab A and Tab B has dialog box if ever i click the edit button and then i already clicked the Tab B,the dialog of the Tab B will show as animated. And if i click to Tab A and then click again the edit button the dialog box of Tab A will show as animated.but my problem is that the two dialog will show every time i click the button edit.but i already changing the id of my edit button everytime i click each of this Tab.

$(function () {

    $('#TabA').click(function () {

	$('#Bedit').attr('id','edit'); changing the id of the edit button

            url:"to other page.php",
            data:some parameter here //
            success:function (item) {
              //data loaded to the container div here.





   $('#TabB').click(function () {

	$('#edit').attr('id','Bedit'); changing the id of the edit button

            url:"to other page.php",
            data:some parameter here //
            success:function (item) {
              //data loaded to the container div here.





 <div  id="tabA" ></div>
 <div  id="tabAbox" >
    <div class="outerlabel">
        <label>Edit tab A</label>


  <div  id="tabB" ></div>
 <div  id="tabBbox" >
     <div class="outerlabel">
        <label>Edit tab B</label>


          }, 500);



          }, 500);



I forgot to post the image button

<div >

<a href="#" id="edit"><img src="img/edit.png"/></a>


I found out that after clicking the TabB when i inspect to the firebug console tab the id=“edit” change to id=“Bedit” but when i look in the script tab of firebug the id=“edit” still remains,
i think this is the reason why the two of the dialog box will be triggered,is there anyways to solve this problem?

Thank you in advance.

Hi jemz,

Would it be possible that you post a demo of this somewhere?
As it is, it is a bit hard to work out what is happening where.

Hi pullo, I don’t know where i can show the demo:injured:

So you are developing locally, right?

yup, :slight_smile:

Well, did you get this particular problem sorted out already, or does the issue still persist?

Yes, but i change the logic on clicking the id.
thank you :slight_smile: